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This week: Hello Directory Members, Exclusive Discounts, Turning full-time gigs into freelance, Tools & More!

Turning Full-time Gigs into Freelance Ones

Do you ever look at a full-time gig and think I’d love to do that but they’re only looking for full-timers? Well same, and recently we’ve heard of a lot of freelancers turning these opportunities into freelance gigs. But how do we do it? Well, this month let’s dive into how we are going about it, so you can start transforming more leads for your biz.

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams

-Oprah Winfrey

🥸 Time to Get Strategic

Transitioning a full-time job opportunity into a freelance arrangement requires a strategic approach. Start by identifying roles that lend themselves to remote or project-based work. Positions in fields like writing, graphic design, programming, and marketing often have clear deliverables that can be accomplished independently. During interviews or initial discussions, emphasize your ability to meet deadlines, produce high-quality work, and communicate effectively without constant supervision. Demonstrating your value as a self-motivated and reliable professional can help potential employers see the benefits of a freelance arrangement. Plus, it can be useful to outline how hiring you on a project based basis could actually save the business money in the long run, as they avoid paying out employee benefits.

👩🏽‍💻 Get Aligned

Next, propose a flexible work structure that aligns with the company’s needs. A lot of companies prefer working with people ‘in-house’ because it gives them a certain amount of control. Outline a plan detailing how you will manage your tasks, set timelines for project milestones, and ensure seamless communication. This will put their mind at ease and make you feel like you’re a part of the team. Use specific examples or testimonials from your past experience where you successfully managed projects or worked remotely to build credibility. Offer to start with a trial period to show how this setup can work in practice. This approach reduces the perceived risk for the employer and provides a concrete way to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of your freelance work model. Plus, it allows you to see if you would actually like to work with them.

💸 Focus on the Benefits  

As we briefly touched on before, highlight the cost benefits and flexibility that freelancing offers to the employer. Freelancers save companies money on benefits, office space, and other overhead costs. Emphasize that hiring you as a freelancer allows them to scale up or down based on project needs, providing greater flexibility in managing their resources. Make it clear that your goal is to form a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship where you can continue contributing to the company’s success while enjoying the independence and variety that freelancing offers. By presenting a well-thought-out plan and demonstrating your professionalism, you can successfully turn those full-time job opportunities into freelance ones. Which can be a huge life saviour for your business as most of these types of clients end up on a retainer.

We love great, affordable software! Paymo has everything to help you keep your biz organized, from time tracking to team scheduling. It’s a wonderful, affordable all in one option. This month our friends at Paymo are giving our Freelancing Females a 30% discount for six months on any Paymo Plan. Use code ‘3PP639’ at checkout. 

🎶 A few things to note 🎶

📆 The discount can be applied to monthly subscriptions only.

🙌🏽 Only redeemable for new customers 

🤳🏽 The discount code will be applied in step two (‘Configure Subscription’)

Get Your Business Buzzing with these tools

💰Have you seen our grants database? Filled with different funding opportunities for small businesses so that you can continue to grow. 

💅🏽 Our fave, affordable platform to upskill for our biz!