The Freelancers Forum VIF - Insider Insights

This week: Hello Directory Members, Exclusive Discounts, Sales strategies, Influencing clients 'buying' decisions, Grants, Tools & More!

Sales Without The ‘Ick’

This month we’re focusing on how you can get more clients on your roster. Most of us probably get the ick when we think of the word sales, but there are so many ways you can sell that are authentic and feel good. As a freelancer, influencing your potential client’s decision-making process involves strategically addressing their needs and concerns, showcasing your unique value, and building trust. 

No one ever became a success without taking chances…

-Estée Lauder

🎧 Listen to What They Need

Before approaching a potential client, thoroughly research their business, industry, and specific challenges they might be facing. During your discovery call engage in meaningful conversations to understand their pain points, goals, and expectations. The more you listen and ask questions, the more heard the person will feel, plus you will gain a better understanding of how to position your services for success.

🕺🏼 Be Your Own Biggest Fan

This is not a space to be humble! Clearly communicate your skills, experience, and the unique value you bring. Tailor your pitch to show how your expertise directly addresses the client's needs. Maintain an up-to-date portfolio showcasing relevant projects that demonstrate your capabilities and successful outcomes.

👑 Social Proof is Queen  

A huge influence on people’s decision to buy or hire in this case is due to social proof. Share positive feedback from previous clients to build credibility. Authentic testimonials can significantly influence decision-making. Providing detailed case studies that illustrate your problem-solving abilities and the impact of your work is another great way to boost your social proof.

🎙️ Communicate!

Ensure that your communication is clear, concise, and professional. Avoid jargon unless it’s specific to the client's industry. Be prompt in your replies to emails or messages. This shows reliability and professionalism which will help influence their decision to go with your business.

 Offer Solution, Not Just Services

Frame your services as solutions to the client’s specific problems. Demonstrate how your work can lead to tangible benefits, such as increased revenue, improved efficiency, or enhanced brand image. Customize your proposals to reflect an understanding of the client’s unique situation and needs. Leverage psychological triggers by positioning yourself as an authority in your field through content marketing, such as blogging, social media guest articles, or webinars.

💰 Price Properly! 

You can use a variety of different pricing strategies to help keep a steady flow of work coming your way. Provide a free initial consultation to discuss the client’s needs and demonstrate your expertise. Be transparent about your pricing structure and the value each component brings, you can use our Rate Sheet to support your pricing should you get push back. You can also offer different pricing packages to cater to varying client needs and budgets. Have an ROI focus by emphasizing the return on investment that clients can expect from hiring you.

🫶🏽 Don’t Give Up

After your initial proposal or meeting, follow up consistently to address any further questions or concerns. Be persistent in showing your interest in the project, but avoid being overly pushy - no one likes being bombarded! If that client passes, continue on your outreach. A business is lucky to have you.

👀 Reminder! If you haven’t yet joined our community Slack channel be sure to do so!

LinkDM is FF’s fave IG automation tool, they help us save time responding to DMs and streamline our outreach process. We love using their inbox starters, story replies, inbox automation and comment replies to showcase what we offer to potential clients. The ability to link to freebies, capture emails for our newsletter list, and generate leads for our funnel has made our sales process so much easier!

With so many great features and affordable pricing (plus the tax deduction benefits 👀), we are so excited to have them as our exclusive discount this month. LinkDM has generously offered our members one month free on their Pro plan. Just use code ‘FFLINKDM’ to claim your free month. This offer expires June 30th, so don’t miss out!

*for new LinkDM users only

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